“Ons art“
We also offer a wide range of tailor-made products and are always ready to take on new challenges to meet the needs of our customers.
Welcome to the website of "Olive Wood Ons art", a Tunisian company producing various articles of olive wood (Salad bowl, mortars, cutlery, cutting boards, fruit bowls, vases, pepper and herb mills, spatulas , Spoons ...).
Our articles are worked at our Tunisian factory headed by the founder FAHMI Guermazi. We are located in Sfax in Tunisia. Ons art is a limited liability company (S.U.A.R.L.), registered in the Sfax Trade and Companies Register under the number B2520282012 having a customs identification number 1231001S.
We specialize in the manufacture and wholesale of olive wood products (for wholesalers, retailers, retailers ...). Our craft products are then distributed by our commercial services located in Sfax route de saltnia km 9.